Bebs — make the date real

A completely new application for romantic, friendly, and business communications with a marketplace and a restaurant reservation system inside! Use to the maximum, get high in a new way!


The genesis of Bebs traces back to 2014 when the current president, Daniil Komkov, found inspiration during a journey through New York City. Then he was riding the subway, and across from him hung a poster with a message along the lines of: "Do not engage in pickup in public transport, it is against the law."

This encounter sparked a thought: what if someone you found interesting was sitting across from you, and you had only a few subway stations to introduce yourself? However, societal norms, internal shyness and the potential negative perception of such spontaneous communication posed a challenge. Out of this dilemma emerged the idea of special cards that could be handed over, allowing visual contact and giving the recipient time to decide whether to scan the card and continue the interaction in the app.

Fast forward almost a decade to 2022, in the vibrant city of Los Angeles. Daniil, having united experts from over 13 countries, decided to bring his vision to life. The result was Bebs, a cutting-edge dating app where special cards for real-life interactions took center stage, aiming to bring people closer offline.

To further streamline the facilitation of romantic, friendly, and professional connections, Bebs introduced a myriad of features. These included a multifunctional chat, a marketplace with real gifts for expressing attention, and dinner invitations to seamlessly transition from online to offline. Daniil believes that life is too short to be spent behind a phone screen. With Bebs, he invites users to make their dates real and embrace life beyond the digital realm. Bebs – make the date real!