Bebs Referral Program Rules

Last updated on 20 March 2024

These Bebs Referral Program Rules (“Program Rules”) govern your participation in the Bebs Referral Program. These Program Rules are additional to any agreements between you and Bebs, including the Bebs Terms of Service, as relevant (collectively, the “Bebs Terms”). The Bebs Terms are incorporated by reference and shall apply to your participation in the Bebs Referral Program, particularly to resolve any disputes between you and Bebs related to or emerging from the Referral Program.

1. Program Overview

The Bebs Referral Program ("Referral Program") is offered by Berber Inc. and its affiliates and provides Users who wish to refer their family and friends ("Referrers") the opportunity to introduce eligible individuals to join the Bebs community as new users. These Program Rules apply to both Referrers and referred Users ("Referred Users"), hence carefully read to understand your respective rights and obligations.

2. Referrer Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the Referral Program as a Referrer, you must:

  • be 18+ of age
  • and maintain a Bebs account in good standing. 

If you breach the Program Rules, the Bebs Terms of Service, or any other applicable terms, Bebs may suspend or terminate your ability to participate in the Referral Program under any or all of your accounts.

3. How to Refer New Users

  1. Invitations through the Bebs Platform : You may invite your family and friends to become new Users directly through the Bebs Platform by entering or providing us with your invitee’s contact information (all information collected under the Referral Program shall be governed by our Privacy Policy). If your invitee follows the links in your invitation and creates an account using the phone number to which an invitation was sent, the invitation will be attributed to you if you were the first to invite them. The phone numbers of invited users are stored on our server, and when an invitee registers in the application using a phone number that was invited, the credit for the invite goes to the User who sent the invite first.
  2. SMS Invitations: Within the "Referral Program" section of the Platform, you can send an SMS message to people from your contact list with an invitation to download the application. Invitation credit is awarded only if the invitee registers with the phone number to which the invitation was originally sent.

Users who have been invited cannot use multiple invitation codes or other promotion codes. If an invitee does not register using the specific phone number for which they were invited, you will not receive credit for the referral. We reserve the right to offer new Users credit or sign-on bonuses at our discretion.

4. Referral Rewards

For every one users invited to the app who register using your invitation, you get a week of premium subscription. You can invite 15 users.

5. Referral Rewards - General

You are eligible to earn a referral incentive (“Referral Reward”) for each Referred User that you refer to the Bebs Platform (subject to certain maximum limits and the other terms in these Program Rules). Referral Rewards can only be earned for Referrals in the United States of America. As discussed above, in order to qualify as your Referred User, the new User must satisfy the applicable reward criteria (“Reward Criteria”) as communicated to the Referred User by Bebs. The Reward Criteria are set by Bebs in its sole discretion and are subject to change at any time. The Reward Criteria may vary by market or within a particular market. Bebs, at its sole discretion, may make available certain promotions with different Reward Criteria or Referral Rewards to other Users or prospective Users. These promotions, unless offered to you, shall have no bearing whatsoever on your Agreement or relationship with Bebs.

6. Resolving Disputes over Referrals

Only one person can earn a Referral Reward for a single Referred User. In the event that multiple persons claim credit for a particular referral, Bebs has full discretion to determine which person earned such referral according to Bebs’s systems.

7. Reservation of rights

Bebs reserves the right to withhold or deduct Referral Rewards or Referral Credit obtained through the Referral Program in the event that Bebs determines or believes that the receipt of the Referral Reward or Referral Credit was in error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of these Program Rules or any other applicable agreement between you and Bebs.

(And so forth, continuing with the existing sections from the previous version: Restrictions, Termination and Changes, Data Protection and Privacy, Limitation of Liability, Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to abide by these Program Rules. If you do not agree to these Program Rules, you cannot participate in the Referral Program. These Program Rules form a binding legal agreement between you and Bebs with respect to the Referral Program.

8. Restrictions

In connection with your participation in the Referral Program, you expressly agree to the restrictions listed below. When distributing, promoting, or communicating your Referral Message(s) or Link(s) you agree that:

  1. No spamming. You agree that you will not “spam” anyone with invitations to join the Bebs community, and that you at all times will remain compliant with CAN-SPAM, the TCPA, and other applicable laws. The following specific activities are prohibited:
    • Mass emailing, texting, or messaging people you do not personally know;
    • Use of automated systems or bots through any channel to distribute, post, or respond to your Referral Code;
    • Use of scripts, programmed or automatic dialers to send invites or to communicate Referral Codes; and
    • Posting Referral Codes on event or venue pages without express permission from the event or venue owner.
  2. No Misrepresentations. You agree that you will not attempt to mislead anyone in connection with the Referral Program, either by affirmative representation, implication, or omission. In particular, you agree that you will not:
    • Impersonate any person or entity;
    • Create fake accounts, blogs, webpages, profiles, websites, links or messages;
    • Misrepresent your relationship with Bebs or any other third party;
    • Suggest that an affiliation or partnership exists with a third party where none exists.
  3. Prohibited content. You agree that you will not use the Bebs brand in connection with:
    • Disparaging or defamatory content concerning Bebs or third parties;
    • Content which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred, discrimination or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;
    • Offensive, abusive, intimidating, or harassing content;
    • Content that is sexually explicit, obscene, and/or contains nudity;
    • Any political and/or religious statement;
    • Content containing images or reference to weapons or firearms;
    • Content that violates someone else’s privacy.
  4. Other restrictions. You also agree that you will not:
    • Specify the monetary amount of the Referral Code unless authorized by Bebs in writing;
    • Create more than one Account in order to receive additional Referral Rewards;
    • Use the Referral Program to conduct any fraudulent or illegal activity;
    • Violate or infringe the rights of third parties including, without limitation, copyright, trademark, trade secrets, privacy, publicity, personal, or proprietary rights;
    • Use the Referral Program in a manner inconsistent with its intended use or as otherwise prohibited in these Program Rules or the Terms and Conditions.

9. Termination and Changes

Bebs may suspend or terminate the Referral Program or a User’s ability to participate in it at any time for any reason. We reserve the right to review and investigate all referral activities and to suspend accounts or modify referrals in our sole discretion as deemed fair and appropriate.

We can update these terms at any time without prior notice. Continued participation in the Referral Program after any modification shall constitute consent to such modification. If you do not agree to the Program Rules or any modification of these Program Rules, you must stop participating in the Referral Program.

10. Data Protection and Privacy

When you participate in the Referral Program, we may collect personal data from you that will be processed as described in our Privacy Policy. This may include, for example, your email address, name, and referral activity. For the purpose of this Referral Program, your phone numbers and the phone numbers of the invited users are stored on our server. This information is used solely to credit you as the referrer if any of the invited users register in the application.

11. Limitation of Liability

Bebs will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages (including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, or data) even if a party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Program Rules, in no event shall Bebs's cumulative liability arising out of or related to the Referral Program, whether based in contract, negligence, strict liability, tort or other legal or equitable theory, exceed the total Referral Rewards paid by Bebs to you under the Referral Program.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Program Rules and any disputes arising under or related to them will be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware, without reference to its conflict of laws principles. All legal actions in connection with the Program Rules shall be brought in the state or federal courts located in Delaware.

By participating in the Referral Program, you agree to abide by these Program Rules. If you do not agree to these Program Rules, you cannot participate in the Referral Program. These Program Rules form a binding legal agreement between you and Bebs with respect to the Referral Program.

We hope this comprehensive guide helps you to understand and successfully participate in the Bebs Referral Program. We look forward to your active participation and wish you many successful referrals! If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to our support team.