Cookie Policy

Last updated on 20 March 2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to Bebs! This Cookie Policy outlines how we use cookies and similar tracking technologies across our platforms, including the website (, browser version (, user portal (, shop portal (, and restaurant portal ( By engaging with our services, you acknowledge our cookie usage as described here.

2. Types of Cookies and Third-Party Integrations

We utilize session and third-party cookies in the Bebs ecosystem. These cookies primarily originate from the following integrations:

  • LinkedIn Insight Tag: Employed for analytics and targeted advertising on LinkedIn.
  • PayPal Cookies: Ensure transaction security, analytics, and fraud prevention.
  • Firebase: Utilized for app analytics, performance improvement, and other functionalities.
  • Appsflyer: Used for analytics purposes.

3. Purpose of Cookies

Our use of cookies is centered around:

  • Providing essential app functionality (e.g., session management).
  • Analyzing app usage and enhancing performance.
  • Personalizing user experiences based on interactions.
  • Tailoring advertising to user interests (through third-party tools).

4. Data Collected

Data collected through cookies may include:

  • General Information: Device identifier, IP address, and usage patterns.
  • Integration Specific Data:
    • LinkedIn: User actions within the app and on LinkedIn.
    • PayPal and HyperWallet: Transaction information and device details.
    • Firebase: User actions, device information, and performance metrics.
    • Appsflyer: Analytics data.
  • App Data: userId and token for specific functionalities.

5. Access to Collected Data

Collected data is accessible by Bebs and authorized third-party partners, including advertisers and web developers involved in our integrations. We ensure strict access controls and contractual agreements to safeguard privacy.

6. Cookie Storage Duration

Storage duration varies depending on the cookie type and purpose. Session cookies, essential for basic app functionality, are deleted upon closing the app. Other cookies may last longer for analytics and personalization, adhering to industry standards and relevant data protection regulations.

7. User Control (Future Development)

We are committed to empowering users with more control over their data. We are actively developing and plan to implement tiered consent options and an opt-out mechanism for non-essential cookies in a future update.

8. Data Deletion Policy

Similar to our Privacy Policy, we retain data only as long as necessary for app functionality and legal requirements. You can delete your account to remove associated data.

9. Review and Update Process

We regularly review and update this policy to reflect evolving practices and legal requirements. The latest version will always be posted on our platforms.

10. Compliance with Laws

We are committed to complying with all relevant data protection laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Specific details are available in our Privacy Policy.

11. Contact Information

For questions, comments, or concerns about our Cookie Policy, contact our Privacy Officer: [email protected]

12. Changes to this Cookie Policy

We may update this Cookie Policy periodically, with the latest version available on our platforms. Continued use implies acceptance of any changes.

13. Transparency and Legal Disclaimer

For detailed legal advice or information on specific data protection laws, please refer to relevant governmental resources or consult legal professionals. Review our full Privacy Policy for a comprehensive understanding.

By continuing to use Bebs, you acknowledge reading and understanding our Cookie Policy.