Invite to Dinner Function Policy

Last updated on 29 May 2024

Bebs is a versatile Dating, Social Networking, and E-commerce App that offers a unique and exciting way for users to connect, socialize, and explore dining experiences. With its innovative "Invite to Dinner" function, Bebs allows users to send prepaid dinner invitations to other app users, providing an opportunity to enjoy a delightful meal together at a selection of partnered restaurants. This comprehensive policy aims to outline the guidelines and procedures for the "Invite to Dinner" feature, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all Bebs users.

1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the guidelines and procedures for the "Invite to Dinner" function within the Bebs app. This feature allows users to invite each other to a prepaid dinner at partner restaurants.

2. General Information

  • The "Invite to Dinner" function enables users to send invitations to other app users for a prepaid dinner. 
  • Any app user can send an invitation to another user for a prepaid dinner. 
  • The user who sends the invitation is shown restaurants near the invited user. Restaurant recommendations are based on the ZIP code specified for gift delivery. 
  • Users can access a list of recommended restaurants determined by the application's internal algorithms.

3. Prepaid Dinner Coupon (Prepaid Booking)

  • The value of the prepaid dinner coupon is determined based on the average check for dinner for two people, including alcoholic beverages, as set by the restaurant.  
  • If the total amount at the restaurant exceeds the coupon value, the user who sent the invitation and made the payment is responsible for paying the difference.  
  • To redeem the prepaid reservation, the user who purchased the prepaid reservation and invited the other user must show the booking code from the Bebs app to the restaurant staff during payment. The waiter must record the booking number and enter it into the Bebs interface for restaurants.  
  • To send an invitation to dinner, the sender selects an estimated date and time or just a date for the restaurant visit. Automatic booking occurs if supported by the restaurant. If automatic booking is not available, the user will be notified to make a reservation independently.

4. Confirmation and Booking

  • The recipient of the dinner invitation confirms the invitation by clicking the "Accept" button, which debits the sender's payment and confirms the reservation.  
  • Restaurants connected to our reservation system have the ability to confirm or reject your booking. You can track the status of your reservation in the Meeting tab.  

5. Meeting Details and Ratings

  • After the invitation is confirmed and the payment is debited, the user who sent the invitation can access the following information on the booking page: restaurant name, full address, booking code, reservation prepayment amount, and date and time of the meeting. The invited user can view the restaurant name, full address, and meeting date and time. 
  • Past and upcoming meetings can be accessed in the "Meetings" section of the app. 
  • Users have the opportunity to rate and provide feedback on their dining experience after visiting the restaurant.

6. Support and Refunds

  • User support for the "Invite to Dinner" function follows the same principles as with stores. Users can contact the restaurant directly for questions related to active bookings. If the restaurant fails to address the user's concerns, the user can initiate a complaint by clicking the corresponding button, which opens a dialogue with Bebs support. 
  • If users fail to attend a booked dinner, the user who purchased the coupon and sent the invitation can use the coupon at the same restaurant within 30 days from the booking date. The user must make a reservation independently. 
  • The coupon remains valid indefinitely until the booking date and continues to be valid for 30 days after the booking date.

7. Restaurant Agreement

  • Restaurants available in the "Invite to Dinner" tab are accredited partners of Bebs. They are linked to Bebs through legal agreements. Bebs receives a percentage from each booking based on agreements with restaurants to provide technologies and extensions within the application. Restaurants can apply for connection to Bebs through the website Bebs will review the application and consider the possibility of adding a new restaurant as a partner.
  • Restaurants do not provide discount vouchers. They are listed on Bebs to attract new customers and increase sales. Users order food and drinks at full prices from the restaurant's menu.
  • Restaurants are required to comply with COVID-19 precautions and regulations based on local laws, sanitary requirements, and guidelines. Bebs recommends that restaurants implement necessary measures to prevent the incidence and spread of COVID-19.
  • When sending an invitation to dinner, the coupon amount is reserved on the sender's card. The amount is debited only when the invitation is confirmed by the recipient. If the recipient declines the invitation or fails to respond within 24 hours, the reserved amount on the sender's card is automatically unblocked.

8. Compliance with Policies and Terms

  • Users of the "Invite to Dinner" function are required to comply with Bebs' Terms of Service and any additional policies related to the function. 
  • Users must ensure that their interactions and activities within the app, including sending invitations and attending dinners, adhere to Bebs' community guidelines and standards of conduct. 
  • Violations of the policies and terms may result in penalties, including suspension or termination of the user's account.

9. User Support Service

Bebs is dedicated to providing reliable and responsive user support for any inquiries or issues related to the "Invite to Dinner" function. Our support team can be contacted through various channels, including email, in-app messaging, or our dedicated support portal. We strive to resolve user queries and complaints in a timely manner, and our support staff will investigate reported problems and provide updates or resolutions as appropriate. Users are requested to provide accurate information and cooperate with the support team during the resolution process. If users are unsatisfied with the initial support response, they have the option to request further review or escalate their concerns. The support service operates during specified hours, and user data shared during support interactions will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

10. Cancellation and Refund

Once a dinner invitation is confirmed and funds are debited from the sender's card, the booking becomes non-refundable. This policy is in accordance with legal regulations governing prepaid services and ensures fair treatment for both the sender and the partner restaurant. By confirming the invitation, users enter into a contractual agreement with the restaurant, and cancellations or refunds are not permitted under normal circumstances. Users are advised to carefully consider their availability and commitment before accepting dinner invitations to avoid any inconveniences or misunderstandings.

11. Policy Updates

  • Bebs reserves the right to modify or update the policy on the "Invite to Dinner" function as necessary. 
  • It is the user's responsibility to review and comply with the most recent version of the policy.

12. Additional Information

If you require any further information or clarification regarding the "Invite to Dinner" policy, please contact Bebs' customer support through the app or visit the Bebs website for assistance.

13. Conclusion

This policy outlines the guidelines and procedures for the "Invite to Dinner" function within the Bebs app. Users are expected to familiarize themselves with this policy and abide by its provisions when using the feature. This policy on the "Invite to Dinner" function within the Bebs app encompasses a range of features designed to facilitate prepaid dinner invitations and enhance the dining experience for users. From selecting restaurants based on proximity and recommendations to handling prepaid dinner coupons, confirmation, bookings, and user support, the policy covers all essential aspects. Additionally, it highlights the importance of adherence to community guidelines, provides information on ratings and feedback, outlines refund policies, and emphasizes the role of accredited partner restaurants in maintaining COVID-19 precautions. By following this policy, Bebs users can enjoy seamless, prepaid dinner invitations and create memorable dining experiences within the app's vibrant community.

* This feature is not available in the mobile app for iOS. You can only use this feature in the mobile app for Android and the web version of the application at